Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Meet the Guys/Girls Who Make Your Shirts! Part VI

The introductions are back, and today we're bucking the trend!  The Choke family now has a female member.  Meet Angela.  Angela joined a few weeks ago to help get us boys get organized.  She manages our inventory, processes online and wholesale orders, and keeps the shop looking orderly.  Oh yeah, and she tags thousands of shirts on a regular basis.  It's safe to say Angela plays a key role in keeping things sane around here.  We found Angela running an inventory upstairs in the print shop's stock room.  She had to keep starting her count over, but she managed to answer our pesky questions.

Choke: How/when did you first hear about Choke?

Angela: I first found out about Choke while searching for extra work online. Craigslist has a few gems still. (Thank you Craigslist!)

Choke: Where did you work before Choke? How long were you there?

Angela: I got inspired to start my own art business called Shutter Wax Encaustics after working as a set stylist for a local photographer, Phil Holden back in October of 2011. I still work for him on occasion as a stylist and now as an encaustic artist. Mounting his images to wood frames and then painting them with a wax medium for clients that want a more artistic touch to their professional photographs.

Choke: How does working at Choke compare to working at your last job?

Angela: Apples and oranges but they are both fun and creative environments. At the photo studio, the only guy was the photographer but at Choke, I am the only female in the bunch! I had to be a fashionista on set while picking out client wardrobes but I have to say I am really just a jeans and t-shirt kinda girl at heart.

Choke: What is your favorite type of shirt? (Blend, cut, style etc)

Angela: I am digging the tri-blend track tees. Soft, comfy!

Choke: What is the best part of working at Choke?

Angela: The healthy dose of humor throughout the day, it's okay to get dirty, and dogs come to visit us weekly.

Choke: When not at Choke what else do you like to do?

Angela: Too many things to mention, but here are a few: Cooking off the cuff. Snapping shots. Painting with wax. Playing in the garden.

Choke: Who is the one person/group that you wish would walk into the shop and
want to print shirts? Why?

Angela: Dan Savage. I'd be curious to see what he would actually put on a shirt and how the design could possibly influence a city/nation like so many other things he has done.

Choke: What’s your favorite Choke Shirt Co. design? Why?

Angela: Hot Rhino. Because it is a good conversation starter.

Choke: If you got to the shop first and got to pick the Pandora station for the day,
which one would you choose? Which station can't you stand?

Angela: Oh geez. This question isn't really fair but if I had to choose one radio station the whole day long, it would be soul music, James Brown. In all honesty I would shuffle, more surprises that way. If the Scarlett Johansson station ever pops up (yes she sings...horribly) I just may break something.

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